Investor relations

A listed investment company focused on the digital consumer, blockchain & other tech in Southeast Asia

Fram Skandinavien AB
Net asset value (NAV) per share (as per last rep.)
Discount to net asset value (NAV) per share
% NAV/share price
  • Here you will find financial information about fram^ such as financial reports, financial news, regulatory announcements and share information. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions or questions. If you’re not already subscribing to our IR news – fill in your email below and stay update.

Net asset value (NAV)


Analyst coverage


- Fredrik Reuterhäll ([email protected]), Equity Analyst

- Alexander Flening ([email protected]), Equity Analyst

Follow the link to see Redeye's latest research on Fram Skandinavien AB

Press releases

The English translations of the company's press releases are unofficial translations for the convenience of international investors. Where there are differences in the English and Swedish versions of the press releases, the Swedish version shall prevail.

Financial reports

Årsstämma 2021

Fram Skandinavien AB (publ) kallar härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 18 maj 2021

Mot bakgrund av den extraordinära situation som råder till följd av COVID-19-pandemin och med hänsyn till myndigheternas föreskrifter och råd om undvikande av sammankomster för att minska risken för smittspridning genomförs Fram Skandinavien AB:s årsstämma enbart genom förhandsröstning (poströstning) med stöd av tillfälliga lagregler. Någon stämma med möjlighet att närvara personligen eller genom ombud kommer inte att äga rum.

Information om de vid stämman fattade besluten offentliggörs den 18 maj 2021 så snart utfallet av röstningen är slutligt sammanställt.

Årsstämma 2020

Aktieägarna i Fram Skandinavien AB (publ), kallas härmed till årsstämma den 14 maj 2020 kl. 10.00 i Advokatfirman Schjødts lokaler på Hamngatan 27 i Stockholm. Inregistrering till årsstämman påbörjas 09:45.

Virtual Capital markets day 2020

Ahead of Fram Skandinavien AB's capital markets day on the 16th of March 2020, please find the following presentation. A video link will also be available on this page the 16th of March 2020 at 08:00 CET.

Link to video presentation

Rights issue 2019

Fram Skandinavien AB, publ (Fram ^) has its B-share listed for trading on Nasdaq First North since October 2017. On this page you will find financial reports, news, and other important information about Fram^ (Fram Skandinavien AB, publ) and Fram ^ share. Subscribe to our site to find out the latest updates about Fram^.

Virtual Capital markets day 2018

Ahead of Fram Skandinavien AB's capital markets day on the 5th of December 2018, please find the following presentation. A video link will also be available on this page the 5th of December 2018 at 08:00 CET.

Link to video presentation

Video link to Q&A for the Capital markets day on 5 December 2018

IPO 2017

Fram Skandinavien AB, publ (Fram ^) has its B-share listed for trading on Nasdaq First North since October 2017. On this page you will find financial reports, news, and other important information about Fram^ (Fram Skandinavien AB, publ) and Fram ^ share. Subscribe to our site to find out the latest updates about Fram^.

Annual General Meeting 2024

The shareholders of Fram Skandinavien AB (publ), corporate identity number 556760-2692, are hereby summoned to the annual general meeting on Friday 17th of May 2024 at 10.00 at Qap Legal Advisors premises at Norrlandsgatan 7, Stockholm, Sweden.

Financial calendar

Corporate governance

Management team

Management in our core holdings

Group structure

As of 30 September 2020

Ownership structure

*) Including companies and related parties
Data from Euroclear

Information Nasdaq First North

Nasdaq First North is an MTF, as defined in EU legislation (as implemented in national law), operated by an exchange within the Nasdaq group. Issuers on Nasdaq First North are not subject to all the same rules as issuers on a regulated main market, as defined in EU legislation (as implemented in national law). Instead they are subject to a less extensive set of rules and regulations adjusted to small growth companies. The risk in investing in an issuer on Nasdaq First North may therefore be higher than investing in an issuer on the main market. All issuers with shares admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North have a Certified Adviser who monitors that the rules are followed. The Exchange approves the application for admission to trading.

Certified Adviser

SKMG, tel: +46 11 32 30 732

Contact - Investor relations

Christopher Beselin
Chairman & Investor relations